Navigating Teenhood: Understanding Different Parenting Styles

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of other parents and their teenagers, silently thinking, "I would never say that to my teen!" or "Wow, that was a great way to handle that!" We've all been there, right? What we're witnessing in those moments are the various parenting styles that exist.

So, What Exactly is a Parenting Style?

A parenting style is like a roadmap for how we respond to our teens. It's a mix of our attitudes and behaviors towards them, creating the emotional climate at home. The style we choose often stems from our values, the desire to continue or break away from our own upbringing, cultural influences, and our emotional state as parents. Let's dive into three common parenting styles.

The Authoritarian Parent - The Drill Sergeant

Ever met those "my way or the highway" parents? That's the authoritarian parenting style. It centers around the belief that the parent is the ruler of the household, and the teen must follow orders without question. There's an emphasis on obedience and punishment, but warmth is often lacking. Teens in this environment may develop anxiety, fearfulness, low self-confidence, and struggle with self-discipline. They might display more aggression or become people-pleasers.

The Permissive Parent - The Indulger

On the flip side, we have the permissive parent. This style is marked by high nurturance and low demandingness. Permissive parents are warm and loving but tend to be overly lenient with very few rules. In this style, teens are often treated more like friends, and limits are rarely imposed. Teens raised with this parenting style might face challenges such as lower academic performance, increased alcohol use, poor impulse control, and behavioral issues.

The Authoritative Parent - The Empathetic Navigator

Now, let's talk about the healthiest way to approach parenting teens – the authoritative parenting style. Authoritative moms and dads are both supportive and tuned into their teen's needs, just like permissive parents. However, they firmly set limits. Authoritative parents guide their teen through open and honest conversations, giving them a voice, making compromises, and encouraging independence. While they are warm and respectful towards their teen, they also hold them accountable for their behavior. It's a parenting style that requires patience and effort, but it results in teens who are confident, responsible, and capable of self-regulation.

Why Your Parenting Style Matters!

Research shows that your parenting style directly impacts the quality of your relationship with your teen – so choose your approach wisely! Most of us don't give much thought to how we parent; we just do it. But it's worth pausing for a moment to reflect on our parenting style, identify if changes need to be made, practice it intentionally, and stick with it. Authoritative parenting is not the only healthy method out there. I encourage you to do some research and find a framework that works for you. After all, it can pave the way for a healthy connection with your teen!

In Partnership with Hurdles in Heels


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